DUROVAL® 1 drop = 1°f

DUROVAL® 1 drop = 1°f

Titration kit for the determination of water hardness via complexometric. titration. 1 drop corresponds to 1 degree of French hardness. Analyses: approx. 30 (at an average hardness of 10 °f) This product is available in the following versions: 50 pcs. neutral inlays...
DUROVAL® 1 drop= 0,1 °dH

DUROVAL® 1 drop= 0,1 °dH

Titration kit for the determination of water hardness via complexometric. titration. 1 drop corresponds to 0.1 degree of German hardness. Analyses: approx. 30 (at an average hardness of 1 °dH.) This product is available in following versions: 50 pcs. neutral inlays...