The bottles can be used immediately in the instrument without cumbersome filling and refilling.

The reagents are suitable for use in the following instruments:: Testomat 2000® Antox, Testomat 2000® Br, Testomat 2000® CLF, Testomat 2000® CLT, Testomat 2000® CLO2, Testomat 2000® CrVI, Testomat 2000® Fe, Testomat 2000 THCL®, Testomat 2000® SO3, Testomat 2000® self clean, Testomat 2000® Polymer, Testomat 2000® PO4, Testomat® PRO FE, Testomat® PRO CA self clean

Find the safety data sheets in our download section.


Type of reagent
for instrument
Test substance Measuring
Order number
Calcium reagent APRO CAcalcium hardness0 – 590 158123
Calcium reagent BPRO CAcalcium hardness0 – 590 158124
Calcium reagent CPRO CAcalcium hardness0 – 590 158125
Calcium self clean solutionPRO CAcalcium hardness0 – 590 158126
CL 2250 ACL T + CL Ftotal chlorine + free chlorine 0 – 2.5 156230
CL 2250 BCL T + CL Ftotal chlorine + free chlorine 0 – 2.5 156231
CL 2250 CCLTtotal chlorine 0 – 2.5 156232
Chlorine reagent set TCL T + CL Ftotal chlorine + free chlorine 0 – 2.5 156235
Chlorine reagent set T 50%CL T + CL Ftotal chlorine + free chlorine 0 – 2.5 156237
Chlorine reagent set FCL Ffree chlorine 0 – 2.5 156233
Chlorine reagent set TModul CLtotal chlorine 0 – 5 156239
Chlorine reagent set FModul CLfree chlorine 0 – 5 156234
reagent set A & BCLO2chlorine dioxide 0 – 4.7  156265
CrVI 2100 ACrVI chromate CrO42- or
chromium VI
0 – 2.0
 0 – 1.0
CrVI 2100 BCrVI chromate CrO42- or
chromium VI
0 – 2.0
 0 – 1.0
FE 2005 AFe, PRO FEdissolved iron (II) & (III) 0 – 1.0 156250
FE 2005 BFe, PRO FEdissovled iron (II) & (III) 0 – 1.0 156251 
SO3 reagent ASO3sulfite 0 – 20 156240 
SO3 reagent BSO3sulfite 0 – 20 156241
Self clean cleaning solutionself clean   151105
Antox solution (2 x 100 ml)Antox   151107
Brom reagent setBrbromine0 – 5.6 156295
Polymer Reagent APolymerpolymer0 – 50 156271
Polymer Reagent BPolymerpolymer0 – 50 156272
PO4 reagent set 2100phosphatePO40 – 10 156264
Testomat 2000 reagent PO4 2100 AphosphatePO40 – 10 156281 (20 litres)
Testomat 2000 reagent PO4 2100 BphosphatePO40 – 10 156282 (5 litres)