How does Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik promote the health of its Heyl crew?

Health management is an omnipresent topic for us. In times of the Corona crisis and demographic change, more than ever.

In order to protect the health of our employees, we decided to launch internal programmes before the actual measures to combat the virus were enacted. This includes the option of mobile working, which has helped us greatly to minimise infections.

Independent of the pandemic events, Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik promotes above all the sporting activities of the crew. In addition to job bicycles and yoga classes, a so-called #healthbudget has been set up. This can be used variably for sporting and/or health-promoting activities such as membership of a fitness studio. In the meantime, the #HeylscheHealthinsurance was created. All benefits are now brought together and supplemented by additional benefits.

Physical and mental well-being is and remains an important topic in everyday working life. Every employer influences the health of its employees, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Post from 11th November 2022