Great award for medium-sized enterprises
Now even more so – Winner 2021!
Managing Director Jörg-Tilman Heyl at the award ceremony in Düsseldorf 2021.
We have made it! This year, we at Gebrüder Heyl Analysentechnik GmbH & Co. KG are 2021 award winners and have won the coveted “Oscar” at the Great Award for medium-sized enterprises (Großer Preis des Mittelstandes).
Laudatory speech for the 2021 award winners (only in german)
For the nationwide competition, organized by the Oskar Patzelt Foundation, you can only be nominated by another body. Therefore, we are very proud that we have been nominated again this year.
The slogan of this year’s competition is “Setting milestones”. Once again, medium-sized enterprises with an above-average development in their region will be honored.
The achievements will be evaluated according to five competition criteria:
- Overall development of the company
- Creation/safeguarding of jobs and training places
- Modernization and innovation
- Commitment to the region
- Service and customer proximity, marketing
Update 2021
In 2021, we have again reached the jury stage after the nomination. The motto of this year’s competition is: Now even more so! And that’s our incentive to make it to the top this year.
Update 2020
At the beginning of May 2020, we received the announcement that, as last year, we have reached the jury stage again. We are thrilled and hope that we will make it back to the finalists.
Our success in 2019
On September 28th, 2019, we received the prize as finalist in Düsseldorf. Five finalists for Lower Saxony were awarded the coveted prize.
You can read the honorary speech at (only in german).

Finalists of Lower Saxony 2019. Managing Director Jörg-Tilman Heyl is the first at right side (photo: Boris Löffert; Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung)
All the prize winners of the 25th contest are published under and (both in german language). There you will also find further information on the current competition.
Press report from our hometown Hildesheim about the competition (only in German)