This year’s Management Information Game (MIG) at our company was once again a complete success. In particular, the “high-end plant containers with a wide range of applications” presented on Wednesday evening were packed with creativity and a wealth of ideas. It was an exciting, instructive and also challenging week for the students from Scharnhorstgymnasium and Michelsenschule Hildesheim. The students were able to grow beyond their comfort zone, both personally and as a team. This event is also an enormous enrichment for us as a company; it keeps us young and in touch of current trends. We are very grateful to have been able to support and help organise this project for the twelfth time in a row and are already looking forward to the next MIG.

The pupils have written a very nice article about their participation in the MIG. Here is the link to the Michelsen School (only in german):


Post from 19th april 2024